Thursday, January 10, 2008

( 4.) Who I Would Like To Meet

So, what is that one thing about your music that stands out and makes heads turn? I’m talking about songs here...songs that capture your unique personality, or individuality, and take the listener to places that are unfamiliar yet strangely new at the same time. ----------------------------------------------------------- Visualize a song as a frame of reference. -------------------- It contains, beside whatever ‘verse-chorus-verse’------------ structure it is written in,----------- other important ingredients. ---------------------------------------------------------- It contains your emotions,--------- your view of the world,--------------- your philosophy,-------------- your attitudes. And if you wrap it all up in an honest presentation that reflects your personality;--------------- that may be the most important part of your music, and the very ‘thing’ that is so hard to define, yet easy to recognize when your music is heard by others. ----------------------------------------------------------- Reflect on how you listen to music;------------ what was it about the last CD you bought that grabbed your attention, and made you decide you had to have that song? Believe this... that ‘thing’ that grabbed you could be the same ‘thing’ in your songs that may grab the attention of an A&R scout,--------------- or a music director, or a reviewer for a music publication, or buyer at a distributor or store, or a booking agent for a local club. ----------------------------------------------------------- I am not saying copy what you have heard. That is the worst route you could take.----------------- What I am saying is all the great music that inspired you had something about it that made it stand out.----------------------------- Being a great songwriter and a musician is being someone who is willing to put themselves on the line, and take a chance. So many ‘wanna-bes’ take the easy way out. They regurgitate what is already out there. Don't do that. Be unique. ----------------------------------------------------------- Something to consider...what is out there is already signed! Any honest A&R rep or music industry executive will tell you they are not looking for what has already been signed, or what is already successful. They are looking for something they can put themselves into and make successful. They want the next NEW thing. That could be you! ----------------------------------------------------------- The idea is simply this...Give the record labels something so unique it will knock their socks off the way your favorite music knocked your socks off when you first heard it. Nobody in this business, if they have anything going for them, is looking for something that has already been done before. -----------------------------------------------------------


Anonymous said...

We agree with what you said, we know that you have to have something unique about you and your music to make it today in the industry...We basically do what we love doing, and pour our all into our tracks, telling our listeners how we see things, how we live, and how we like to do things. We dont think our music sounds like anything already out there today, that is why we continue to do what we do, so that one day we can show the world our talent.

Anonymous said...

I feel that alot of today's music is very falsified. I truly am a firm believer that real music comes from your heart, soul and real-life experiences.

When the passion of music is real

When the passion of music is real