Friday, February 8, 2008

To Build a Brand on the Internet - Brand Together

This post will argue that the one of the most effective ways build a brand on the Internet is to join forces with other artists. Building a brand in any industry is difficult.

Building a nationwide or global brand in the music industry is a colossal undertaking. When it comes to entertainment, there are dozens of alternative and competing product categories, and when it comes to music there are millions of options to choose from.

If you are looking to build a business in music that generates ongoing revenue, the only real option is to build a brand on the Internet.

If you have a strong brand on the Internet, your live show traffic will increase, you will sell and stream more music, you will sell more merchandise, and you will attract sponsors and advertisers.


tru said...

this is a good outline for creating an online image as well as a good base to promote ones tru ability.

jerome said...

i would like to learn more about how to build a successful brand. great info.

When the passion of music is real

When the passion of music is real